What do you think of when you hear French Cuisine? Small intimate dinners of equally small portions of cordon bleu food? Maybe you immediately think high cost. For some, the term is redolent with beautifully prepared and cooked food in a simply elegant style. French cuisine is about enjoying food; food that is cooked with basic techniques to perfection keeping the layers of flavour intact throughout the process. Take Burgundy’s coq au vin; this was once the quintessential peasant food elevated to great heights by passionate French chefs and cooks, or Chicken Basque from the French Basque region, an earth chicken and vegetable stew favoured by herbs. Both are chicken but very different due to development of flavour using herbs and of course selected wines. Using wine in the French tradition of cooking is not about just pouring it, no, it’s about reducing and condensing the flavour, so it complements the meat and is still recognisable.
French Cuisine For Everyone
Everyone can learn to cook a French dish, a Bouillabaisse, a Cassoulet. Not that difficult, as long as you have mastered the basic techniques. From braising to sauteeing they all have a reason and function, from softening tough meat to sealing in flavour. French cooking is not just a necessity it is about culture and love and passion. Currently, our attitudes to food are changing; modern fast food is being rejected in favour of The hottest food trends, these are sustainability, waste reduction and food with attitude; everything that French cuisine is about. People are wanting to change what they are placing in front of their families; they want to educate and enjoy their home cooked food and to pass on useable, sustainable skills in the kitchen. Learning to cook French cuisine is not about snobbery or fancy dinner parties. It is about economically cooking something delicious. The French culture often circulates around food, as does many cultures, but, the difference is the layering of flavours, the respect for the ingredients and the use of the freshest herbs and vegetables to merge in such a way you taste the difference.
Learning To Cook French Cuisine
There are so many ways to gain expertise in French cooking. You could, like in the film ‘Julia and Julie’ learn by buying a cookbook by a French chef and work through all the recipes and techniques. You could sign up for the many French cookery classes around the country, take an online class or watch YouTube videos. All of them relevant and successful in their way but the best way? Go to France, take a course, breath in the atmosphere and culture that created this food style we call French Cuisine. Classes are easy to find all over the country, for a weekend, a week or longer. Check out http://avionero.com/ for easy to find flights to all those places you have heard about, Brittany, Gascony, Burgundy, maybe even visit the Champagne region and learn the local speciality of Boudin Blanc de Rethel, a delicate, delicious bloodless sausage, simmered with apple slices or even truffles.