After a breast augmentation procedure, you will probably be in deep thought after the procedure. Will the surgery be successful? How will I handle the recovery process? Such are the questions in most patients’ minds. But with a reputable surgeon, you are almost of desirable results. What remains is how you handle the recovery.
Recovering from Breast Augmentation
Most of the time, your surgeon will guide you in handling the recovery. Expect some pain medication for the first few days after visiting and restrictions on exercise and physical activity for a couple of weeks. Moreover, most practitioners will subject you to some post-operative appointments to ensure you heal properly.
What to Eat After Breast Augmentation
Is diet really important while recovering from breast augmentation? Certainly yes. Eating the right foods following a breast augmentation procedure must not be overemphasized. From vast clinical observations, patients who stick to a healthy diet before and after the surgery often recover faster than those who eat processed foods. As a general rule, your diet should always have some of the following foods:
- Fruits & vegetables, e.g., papaya, pineapple, cauliflower, cabbage & brussels sprouts
- Proteins, e.g., beef, fish, & eggs
Our bodies respond to whatever we give them. So, eating right ensures the body is in optimal shape to cope with surgery’s demands.