One of the main reasons that teens tend to stop eating healthy is simply because they don’t want to take the time to do so. Many teens lead a hectic lifestyle and are always on the go and taking time out to eat just doesn’t seem to be appropriate for them. By being tuned into their schedule it can help in getting them to take time out to eat.
Also, setting house ground rules that mealtimes are important and time has to be slotted in for them will help the young ones to adopt a healthy eating lifestyle. Making sure that healthy foods are ready for when the kids are on the go that they can grab and run and eat is another way of making sure they they are at least getting some healthy foods into their diet. While this is not ideal it is the next best thing to them grabbing foods that are considered as fast food that have no nutritional value.
Focusing on getting them to eat three meals a day also sets a pattern for healthy eating.